Sunday, September 24, 2017

Why... Just why

I would not usually write about anything to do with politics, but I think this should be addressed. It has been in the news a lot lately and I think it is ridiculous the point of the NFL kneeling during the national anthem. This should never go threw people's mind as a protesting action. I do not care if your protesting police brutality, Donald Trump, or even racism do not kneel for the national anthem. To sing the national anthem is an honor because it honors those who have sacrificed their lives for this country. Standing for the national anthem was taught to everyone since they started school why should it be changed into a protest maneuver. Knelling is a disrespectful act and a disgraceful act to this country. The people who decide to do this are being childish and need to remember to have honor in the people who serve. Why disrespect the lives that were willingly given to protect your life and their country?

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