Friday, September 15, 2017


There are five senses for most people, I only have four. I m blind so my senses are heightened. I feel everything differently, I hear everything differently, I even smell differently. I feel with every part of me and its worth more to me with everyday that passes. To feel someone's life force and heartbeat with each hug is shocking at first. To touch someone and enjoy the warmth of their skin is strange. To have your skin itching for a long and surrounding hug is scary at first. After a while you want to feel those sensations because without it it hurts too much. I each cadence in sounds and voices. I hear the pain or emotion that can not be explained when someone speaks. I hear the way you walk that makes me able to tell who you are or if something is wrong. What is the most strange for me is being able to tell people's sent. I will explain this one even if it makes me sound creepy. I can smell each person as they walk by me or when they hug me. I have realized that everyone has there own sent weather or not it is their cologne or maybe perfume. After a while I can discern who that person is only if someone else is not wearing the same sent. Most people like a particular cologne or perfume so that makes it easy. We are all human and touch is important for us to feel comforted or may just need the touch. I believe now without sight my senses have gone more towards animal like which sounds kinda weird even to me. I think this because I understand feeling, hearing, and smell in completely different ways I thought I would never understand. Do you feel everything in ways like this? Can you understand what I am talking about?

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