Wednesday, September 13, 2017

True Inspiration

I recently started podcasts to listen to other stories and learn more things. I listened to a podcast by this guy named Jocko Willink who is a retired navy seal and has his own website, Facebook page and more. I am not referring to this guy though I want to talk about the guy he had on his podcast yesterday. Rob Jones is who I is the true inspiration in my mind. He is a Marine but suffered a major injury a couple years back which made him have to retire from the Marines. This guys job was to find IEDs for his platoon to keep them from encountering them unexpectedly. One day in the field he was not able to find the IED on time and he suffered the mistake. Rob Jones became a double amputee above the knee. Do not think this stopped this Marine it did not he pushed on and now lives a happy life. What I found really interesting was he went to the 2012 Para Olympics and got a Bronze medal in rowing. I also found it really cool that he taught himself to ride a bike again and rode cross country from Maine to southern California. He has a phrase that really gets to me and can relate to anybody. There is weight on everyones shoulders and you can either let it drag you to the ground or you can push yourself and eventually that weight will feel like nothing. I certainly did not get it word for word but he is referring to a work out technique in which a person works out with a certain weight and gets used to that weight. He also has a journal of his time in the Marines that tells an amazing story with great detail he continues to write about his everyday life.Rob Jones is also soon going to do 31 marathons in 31 days in 31 different locations. To follow his progress in this incredible event go to you can also see which locations he will be in on which dates. I want to thank this man for telling his story and being a true inspiration not just to me but everyone who encounters him.Thank you Rob Jones for all you have done.

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