Friday, June 26, 2020

Craziness and some updates....

Hi everyone. I know there has been  a lot of craziness happening in this world. There are no words that can explain the heart ache and worry some have gone threw. When this pandemic shut down started in our country I was about half way threw with my spring semester and getting ready for spring break. I know I have not updated you guys or even made a silly post in a while but I was having some accessibility issues with my laptop. During the time I was going to start spring break I found out that my classes would be turned into online only. I also did have the fun of having an extended spring break for a few days. This was mainly because it gave the professors some time to figure out how to change their classes to online format. All the updates I gave in my last post was some what true. I did become apart of my local Student Division of the National Federation of the Blind. Unfortunately, though I was not able to attend anymore meetings for the Learning Differences Club. The Ohio Student Division has been meeting every few weeks though over the phone. It has to be that way no matter if there is a pandemic because all of us are all over Ohio. I did end my spring semester on May 15th. I ended the semester with very good grades for not being in the school swing for a while. I did also start my summer semester on June 8th and will finish August 2nd. These summer classes are totally online and have been interesting. I am taking Introduction to Mythology and I changed my communication class to Interpersonal communication. I have also recently received an email that one of my fall classes have already been changed to online. I am waiting to hear about the other class. Not much else is going on here though. Greyson and I did celebrate our 2 year anniversary of being a team and there are no words to explain how he has changed my independence. I would like to remind everyone though that you can still email me suggestions to write about just not political posts. lol. My email is

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