Hey everyone I know i told some of you that I will write a post last week but I got focused on reading and not writing. I thought I would tell you guys some of how I am doing in this crazy world now. I finished my summer semester at the beginning of August and I actually started my fall semester of college on August 24th. I have also been doing lots of job searching and actually had some interviews to go to after months of no interviews. Unfortunately, I did go to the interviews and did some on the phone but they did not go forward with the hiring process afterward. I am just excited at this point that places are doing interviews again. I will look into some other job positions that had a governmental hiring freeze to see if I can go forward with those. I think I will also look into jobs for my college. Several weeks ago during my break I went to the lake and got some pictures on the beach with Greyson. I was not sure if the injuries he got were from the beach or not. The next day though when we went to go on a walk he was limping very badly and panting extremely heavy when it was not hot. I offered the harness to him like I always do and he got in it with zeal like always. So I brought him to the vet and the vet found cuts on his front paws and only his front paws. That is why I was not sure if it was from the beach or not. Well Greyson got some time off and medicine to help him threw the time. Now he is healed up and working as intently as always. I am actually allowed to go on my college campus once a week to attend a blended course and I am excited to get out the house. Not much else is going on with me but I did get a new phone at the beginning of August and have had lots of problems with it since.
I write about blind topics and other interests. I want to provide information and entertain everyone. People with disabilities are not just their disability.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Friday, June 26, 2020
Craziness and some updates....
Hi everyone. I know there has been a lot of craziness happening in this world. There are no words that can explain the heart ache and worry some have gone threw. When this pandemic shut down started in our country I was about half way threw with my spring semester and getting ready for spring break. I know I have not updated you guys or even made a silly post in a while but I was having some accessibility issues with my laptop. During the time I was going to start spring break I found out that my classes would be turned into online only. I also did have the fun of having an extended spring break for a few days. This was mainly because it gave the professors some time to figure out how to change their classes to online format. All the updates I gave in my last post was some what true. I did become apart of my local Student Division of the National Federation of the Blind. Unfortunately, though I was not able to attend anymore meetings for the Learning Differences Club. The Ohio Student Division has been meeting every few weeks though over the phone. It has to be that way no matter if there is a pandemic because all of us are all over Ohio. I did end my spring semester on May 15th. I ended the semester with very good grades for not being in the school swing for a while. I did also start my summer semester on June 8th and will finish August 2nd. These summer classes are totally online and have been interesting. I am taking Introduction to Mythology and I changed my communication class to Interpersonal communication. I have also recently received an email that one of my fall classes have already been changed to online. I am waiting to hear about the other class. Not much else is going on here though. Greyson and I did celebrate our 2 year anniversary of being a team and there are no words to explain how he has changed my independence. I would like to remind everyone though that you can still email me suggestions to write about just not political posts. lol. My email is wolf.t.manor@gmail.com
Friday, February 28, 2020
How my life is going....
I have had a pretty busy life lately. I thought I would let you know how everything is going. Greyson is doing very well with our new adventures and I think some days I tire him out. In the middle of January I started college. I am studying Sports and Fitness Management and may decide to go into the partnership program my college offrers to earn my Bachelor's of Exercise Science. I have not made that decision yet but I think I have plenty of time before I have to make it. I am also considering taking summer classes to hopefully earn my degree a little faster. I still have to meet with my advisor to talk about which classes are available for me to take. I will be using the first degree to hopefully get a career in the wrestling field. I am wanting to be a coach but I do not know where everything will take me yet. I have also been in the process of job searching. I have been to two interviews already but have not had any feedback from them yet. I have mainly been filling out applications for customer service but have also checked out some applications for fitness centers. I have filled out some applications for dispatching positions but also have not gotten any feedback from them. I am also apart of the Student Division of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio and have been enjoying building up the membership. I was actually voted in as one of the officers so I will be having some strong responsibilities for this. I have also joined a club that is on my college campus called Learning Differences and this club is just for students with disabilities. This club is kind of like the Student Division but it is for all students with disabilities not just visual impairments. I will try to keep up a better schedule of posting and keeping everyone updated on how my life is going. Remember you can always email wolf.t.manor@gmail.com if you have an idea of a post I should write.
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