Friday, March 2, 2018


Bring it on! Ask me anything! Stolen from a couple friends. Friends, what are some things that you wonder about Blind People, that you have been too afraid to ask? Please ask even the most potentially offensive or sensitive things that you want to, on this thread. (personal attacks/insults not allowed though)

Blind Friends, lets do what we can to help educate. Please, if you the time, and the ability, join me in answering! 


  1. Hi. I have a few questions to ask though. What could be the case of your blindness? How do you deal with it? From sighted became blind, is it hard to accept? Don't worry, I am just curious.

    1. I apologize for getting back to you so late . I went blind about four years ago due to a brain tumor that pinched my optic nerves . When I first went blind I had some trouble excepting it but as I grew to enjoy the challenges of it I excepted it very well I actually tend to forget I am blind.
