I write about blind topics and other interests. I want to provide information and entertain everyone. People with disabilities are not just their disability.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
A Day of Greyson
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Leader Dog
I traveled by plane for the first time to get to class and I did not even realize when the plane took off until the flight attendant said over the speaker we were now 10,000 feet in the air. when I arrived it was a Sunday so not much was done but unpacking and socializing with others who got there, On Monday we did something called Juno walks.A Juno walk is the trainer holding the harness that will go on your dog. The point of these walks is to learn the commands and corrections if they need to be made to the dog. I got my new guide dog the next day because it was a short class and all the trainers thought we should get extra time since it was a short class. I was presented with a yellow lab named Greyson. A awesome fact is Greyson was raised in the prison system not with a family. So for his first full year of life he stayed with this person and they taught him basic commands and things that may be strange to the dog. The first week went by very quickly and before I knew it Sunday was there. Sundays are the days Greyson gets to just be a dog they are for play, lazing around, and recouping from the week. The second week also went by very quickly but we learned many more things together. Greyson and I went along busy roads and longer routes where there were many obstacles. When there may be a ground or just an obstacle in the sidewalk Greyson stops to let me know something is there and I should check it out. Once I do so I take a step back and give the command forward and he has the responsibility to take the safest way around the obstacle. On Saturday I was not feeling Greyson and I were progressing well but in the morning we took an independent walk with just trainers at certain points just in case we needed help. That walk made me feel better on how we are working together but in the afternoon my feelings were in a way I could not describe because we did a very busy mall. To go into a busy mall and not run into anything was amazing. Greyson easily guided me around people and obstacles smoothly and with grace. I found out many people are not expecting to see a dog in a place like a mall so they can get startled.I had that happen Greyson and I passed a woman and she dropped all her stuff because she was not expecting to see Greyson the next day was Father's day and my dad came to visit me for a couple hours. He had some trouble getting there because a belt broke on his vehicle so he had to have a friend bring him another one. Greyson met my dad and he likes him so that is very good. Then was the last week. the last week I really enjoyed because we went and did a route in Detroit and I got to go on a people mover for the first time. I also learned if Greyson and I are on a platform like for a train or the people mover and I try to tell Greyson to go forward and nothing is there he will actually turn the other way and not go off the drop off. We also walked a trail the last week which was very nice because I like to go hiking and I was wondering how Greyson would handle that situation. Thursday came around and I signed the papers that made Greyson and I an official team. We also got an I.D that has our picture on it and it says we are a Leader Dog team on the back of the I.D there is the ADA law. I went home on Friday with Greyson. It was an interesting experience going threw security and riding on a plane with him. Greyson got very stressed after security and he threw up but after that everything went well. I was very surprised when I was told only 40% of all the puppies that are born make it threw to class and graduate with a handler.Some dogs may not like the responsibility of the job, some dogs may be too hyper, some dogs may even be too lazy. These dogs are called career change dogs. Leader Dog does its best to put the career change dogs in a position somewhere else like working with a person in a wheelchair or even in the airport. If there are any questions I can answer just put them in the comments.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Animals and Us
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Blind Troubles...
Saturday, April 21, 2018
The White Cane
A lot of blind people use a white cane that helps them navigate and avoid obstacles in their path. A visually impaired person also benefits from using one if they are night blind which means even though they can see during the day they are not able to see at night. Another reason for sometimes needing a cane is if a person is not able to walk on very bright days when there are not many clouds. For a person who has some remaining vision, an identification cane is useful as it lets them know if something is in their peripheral vision or right in front of them - in the case that they have a central vision loss. An identification cane also lets the public know that the individual using it may have some degree of vision loss. A totally blind person needs a cane to detect cracks in the sidewalk, find and use grass lines, and to help with finding where stairs are, to name a few. The white canes are not just white, they are red and white because it helps someone with sight notice the cane. It is also possible to specialty order canes for the visually impaired and different colors. The white cane may also be made out of aluminum, fiberglass or graphite. There are many different tips that may come with a white cane. They are called marshmallow, pencil, ceramic, or flat tip. There are straight canes, folding canes and telescoping canes. A folding cane and a telescoping cane are a lot easier to break at the joints, but the straight cane will break if there is not a proper place to store it. there are two ways to use a cane the techniques are constant contact or two touch . Constant contact is when the tip of the cane stays on the ground and is rolled the persons shoulder length. The two touch is when the user steps with the left foot and the cane is on the right where the shoulder would be the opposite happens when the user taps the cane on the left side on the ground. Some users use a mixture of both while walking.Personally I like the folding cane with a pencil tip and I use the two touch technique unless I need to switch to constant contact for one or more reasons. Some of those reasons can be to find truncated domes to cross a sidewalk. These are the bumpy things most people have no idea what they are for. I have had many interesting times with my cane. Many times I was walking down the hallway in school and got my cane caught in between someones legs while they are walking and my cane snaps in half. I have also had times that a mobility specialist is trying to show me something on the ground I may come across at times and I completely miss it. I have also gotten a graphite cane stuck straight which I was told is nearly impossible with a crack along the side. I have dropped my cane many times while walking around because I catch cracks and my cane gets caught and I let go. Other times I have someone accidentally kick it out of my hand. Some funny moments are when I am trying to get on the bus and while the doors are opening I get my cane caught on the opening door.. I have also gotten my cane caught in bushes when they are really close to the sidewalk. The most fun is when I am walking close to another person with a white cane and their cane hits mine over and over it seems like we are having a sword/cane fight.I am willing to answer any questions about the white cane or otherwise.
Monday, April 2, 2018
From Winter to Spring
Sunday, March 18, 2018
FreeLance Inquiry????
Friday, March 2, 2018
Blind Friends, lets do what we can to help educate. Please, if you the time, and the ability, join me in answering!
Monday, February 26, 2018
GoalBall: a blind sport
Most people do not think a blind person can do any kind of a sport. Well I would like to tell those people that they are wrong and there are actually sports just for the blind. Goalball is one of them. Goalball can be described as either blind soccer or reverse dodgeball. It is kinda wrong to describe it like blind soccer because there is a such thing as blind soccer. I recently went to a tournament of goalball and it was very fun even though the girls did not win any games but the guys did. To explain it right there are three people on each side of the court and they can either be standing or on hands and knees. Each player is wearing blacked out goggles and the referee checks them before the game starts and when each player may be substituted out. There is a right wing, a left wing, and a center player that each time the ball comes towards them they do something called laying out to block the ball from going into the goal. The referee asks the audience to be quiet because there is a type of noise maker in the ball. This is only one blind sport that is apart of the Para Olympics. A blind person can do any sport a sighted person does yet most people do not even consider it a possibility. A blind person can even go to the Para Olympics for sports like Wrestling, swimming,soccer, basketball, and sports just for the blind. So if you think that just because you are blind or have a visual impairment you can not do sports or have to quit them you are mistaken. If anyone wants to look up more information about blind sports you can go to usaba.org you can look up some games that weekend on this website too.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Reading and Writing
I have always enjoyed reading novels and trying new author's. since I went blind I have read more than most people would in a year. I have read series of 15 books and I have just read novels for an author.I choose a book to see if I like the author if I do and I suspect the book I read is part of a series I look it up. Eventually if I like that author I end up reading all the audiobooks that author provides. I truly enjoy when an author has an active series and is continuing to publish stories. I put the date in my calendar and get really excited when the book comesout. The only thing that sometimes gets me sad is when the audio version of the book does not come out the same day as the ebook comes out. I have many authors I love and am excited when their books come out in each series that author may have that is active. If an author has more than one series that is publishing books that means to me that more than one book from that author is coming out in one year. I also really enjoy writing these blogs and maybe I could go somewhere with it but I am not sure how. When I make my blogs all I do for the moment while I am writing them is let my mind go free and allow me to write about the subject I am thinking about. I have been told that I could write a biography about myself because I have an interesting story I just would not know where to start. In school when the english teacher wants a short story, poem, or summary written I am very good at it. I truly enjoy writing the short stories and poems that tell a story within them. Do you like reading or even writing? Maybe both?