Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see"

One rule I think that can be used in life is "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see." I think this is a good rule to follow because there is many people in this world that can deceive other people very easily. One example to put this rule into action would be if a van full of guys roll up to a 10-year-old girl and ask her if she wants to go to a wonderful tea party with them. They told that there will be pink tables, pink walls and pretty pink cups. the little girl really liked how that sounded with all that pink if her parents had taught her this rule "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see" then this little girl would have kept walking when the van came up and not have listened to what the guys have said.

Another example to where this rule could work for would be if a man and a women are married and they do not like when each other flirts with other people. The man is just coming home from work and the best part of his day is when he gets home and gets to see his wife. The had guy over that is her brother that she has not seen in years. When the husband came home and saw them she was kissing his cheek and that was what made him mad. This husband did not like to get mad at his wife so he went to calm down. Once the husband calmed down he went to his wife and asked her who that man was and the wife told him that was her brother that she has not seen in years the husband was very about that because the wife was not cheating on him. This rule "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see" can apply to this situation because the husband did not see the whole picture right away and assumed the worst.

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