.There has been a meme going around lately that shows a blind person holding a white cane and a cell phone. The caption says something like what is wrong with this picture.I went blind almost 5 years ago and before I went blind I would have wondered how the person used their phone. I would not have been mad because the cane shows the person is blind and cannot use a phone. Blind people use their phone because now the phones can talk with a screen reader or even use some other kind of accessibility. Blind people are not as helpless or clueless as most of the general community thinks. Blind people can use a phone, a computer, a stove, and almost anything a visual person can use. There are blind people who take care of their own children without visual help. There are blind people who take care of their own selves and their pets. There are blind people who travel the world without assistance. I do not understand how a simple picture can make so much of a fuss with visual people. Maybe I can understand though because I have actually had a few people take my phone out of my hand and yell at me your phone is off. I keep what is called a screen curtain on because the brightness of my phone will hurt my eyes after using it for awhile. Technology is apart of most blind people's lives because without it some stuff will be difficult. There are apps that help us tell what color something is. There are apps that can help blind people tell what a food is by scanning the bar code. There are apps that can tell a blind person what a peice of clothing is by taking a picture of it and describing it. There are even apps that can scan a document and read it out to the blind person. Blind people even play games on their phones because they are based on sound. There are so many advancements in this world with technology so why do people still think that if someone is blind that person is unable to do anything. Visual people carry their phones with them all the time so why can't a blind person figure out how to use a phone. This world can be so ignorant and unwilling to learn when it comes to something they think is impossible. Just because a visual person cannot imagine doing something does not mean someone else is not doing it at that moment. Some people were not even born blind so they had to go threw the difficulty of re learning how to live being blind. I want to make a challenge to any perfectly sighted person reading this post that next time you may meet a blind person ask them how their day is going. Also have a real conversation with them because they are human beings too. I would advice though do not bring up how amazing they are for doing daily tasks you do everyday. Blindness has become normal to them so doing what they do on a daily bases is just the way they live. O by the way I made this blog post on my phone with a bluetooth keyboard.